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Roger Blakiston was born in Northumberland, England. He is a professional magician, author, visionary, and poet. He has a vast knowledge of the geography, history, culture, art, and languages of other nations.
From palaces and castles to bomb shelters, for royalty, and for those who have been outcast, he has traveled across the world’s oceans and walked over mine fields to perform his magic. Roger’s ancestors were famous explorers, pirates, and royalty. He was born into a family of writers and travelers with a deep sense of imagination. He has walked in the footsteps of both great leaders and prophets, and over lands which have witnessed terrible wars.
In 2014, he published his first book, The Spiritual Stage. In 2016 he published Forest of Song, a compilation of his poetry spanning nearly sixty years. The following 2 years he wrote another 120 poems, resulting in the publishing of his third book, Meadow of Verse, in the spring of 2018. In March 2020 he published his fourth book, Desert of Inspiration, with 136 new poems. In December 2021, Roger released his fifth book/fourth poetry book, River of Rhyme, which contains another 119 poems. His most recent book, Universe of Whispers, was published in December 2023
He lives in the magical and inspiring town of Sedona, Arizona.

From: Universe of Whispers
Be the sunshine, be the shadow,
Be the chooser and the choice.
Be the change and be the changer,
Be the silence, be the voice.
Be the waves and be the ocean,
Be the planets, stars, and moon.
Be the flame and be the ashes,
Be the music, be the tune.
Be the love and be the lover,
Be the actor, be the play.
Be the light and be the rainbow,
Be the nighttime, be the day.
Be the trees and fields of plenty,
Be the wildflowers and the grass.
Be the canyons, be the mountains.
Be the mirror, be the glass.
Be the source and be the river,
Be the animals and birds.
Be the wind and be the seasons,
Be the poet, be the words.
Feel the magic of creation,
Recognize we are all one.
Never ending or beginning,
Even when this course is done.
Every piece of life connected,
As the jigsaw we complete.
Holding hands, we walk together,
Down an ever-winding street.
Twists and turns upon the journey,
Leading us to realms of joy.
Homewood bound is our direction,
Then the jigsaw we destroy.
For we now are in the blissful,
Every lesson learned and passed.
No more need for trials and testing,
Just eternal spirit, vast.
Be the wisdom, be the holy,
Infinite, in love and peace.
Come together in one union,
Earthly conflicts then shall cease.