
River of Rhyme
This truly is the most Magical book I have ever read! These poems come ALIVE in my heart, mind and spirit as we are on this Spiritual Journey together!
The audio of this book by Roger Blakiston is a magical journey into the beautiful poetry he has penned over the last few years. A well-published author, Roger is also a true Magician and his writings invokes a vision of the magical journeys of life. Roger's voice is pleasant, soothing and calming and his British accent is a pleasure to listen to. For all you poets out there, you will want this in your poetry library.
When you say "poetry" to many people, they immediately picture archaic language, unfamiliar phrasing, incomprehensible meanings!! Well, Roger Blakiston creates poetry that is descriptive, emotional, imaginative, and most importantly - accessible to just about everyone! This book is a joy to discover. And it is not necessary to read from front to back - just crack it open at any point and enjoy! Highly recommended!
Each rhythmic poem is an uplifting magical journey in to the subtle, deep, and spiritual aspects of life. Open the book to any page for a real treat. The audiobook is also wonderful. Roger, the author, reads the poetry bringing each poem to life with flair and emotion. His English accent adds to the magic of each mystical journey. If you like poetry, you will love both
the book and the audiobook.
JoyBeth Lufty
Full of earth ground wisdom and starlet magic "Jolly Roger's" 5th delightful book- River of Rhyme: Poems by Roger Blakiston 2021- never ceases to teach and entertain me when I randomly let it fall open. It is a gift of wonder that never ceases uplifting.

Desert of Inspiration
Karen Soul Sister
"As a Lover of Poetry and appreciate the art of what it takes to write and put together a book. I have enjoyed this book so much. I am sure all will enjoy it and highly recommend it !"
Police Magician

Roger's second book of Poetry
Meadow of Verse
Cathy W
"This book is truly inspirational and fun. Welcome to "Roger's Wonderland" you are sure to enjoy this journey! Highly recommend this as a gift for loved ones! :)"
Police Magician
"Roger Blakiston is not only a great prestidigitator, but a great poet as well. His newest book, Meadow of Verse, is a collection of many different poems for different themes. There are those listed in the Magical, Prophesy, Rebirth, Celebration, Reflection, and Spiritual. Having read many of the poems in this book of over two hundred pages, I find that the Magical is my favorite.
I like the "Wizard and the King" found on page 2. The poem that follows has to do with Jesus and the magic He worked turning water into wine. I can see why he placed this poem in with the theme "Magical" instead of "Spiritual". If you want to be inspired by the profound poems listed in his book, this is the one to purchase. The price is very reasonable for a book that has so many pages in it.
My compliments to Roger for this undertaking. I have watched video's of how he uses poetry with his magic and it is a beautiful show. I also have his other two books, "The Spiritual Stage" & "Forest of Song". The latter was his first book of poems. My girlfriend and her daughter love reading the poems in his books. Roger has outdone himself on this newest book."
Rhonda M
"The Spiritual Stage is a fun read. You could start on any chapter and get hooked.
Roger Blakiston shares his hilarious journey as a beginning actor, landing his first acting job fresh out of drama school. He reveals stage life that most people not in show business ever see. It’s a hoot. His connection with the stage and spirituality is full of practical advice for everyone."
Diana Z
"If you love poetry--or even if you don't--it is an awesome reading ...
I was given this book as a gift. And just bought another one so I may share its profound message with a friend. If you love poetry--or even if you don't--it is an awesome reading experience. I say "experience," as the verses will transport you into a magical other-world that is inhabited by faeries, angles mermaids, and wizards. More importantly, a thought-provoking world of insights and truth. It's book you will pick up and read many times... and each time experience a new sense of discovery."
"There is a magic behind the words that cannot be explained its a pervading joy that delights... I am loving this book!"
Muse P
"An enlightening poetry book
This is the second of Roger Blakiston's poetry books which I have purchased.
(The first book was Forest of Song). I cannot get enough - deep spiritual insights sprinkled with humorous poetry. Roger definitely is a gifted poet for our times."

Mark L
"I read the authors previous book, "The Spiritual Stage and quite enjoyed it so I figured it might be worth checking out his poetry book.
Because this collection of poems spans decades even going back into the author's childhood naturally some of the poetry therein is of the William McGonigle class. However, there are other poems in the collection that I do find inspirational and thought provoking. I think the way to view these poems is to look at the underlying thoughts which provoked the writing in the first place.
In other words to see how the author's mind works rather than see how his pen works. The spiritual, philosophical, enquiring approach rather than the mechanistic approach of seeing how the lines are put together, whether they rhyme etc.
It gives an insight to Mr Blakiston's life and character and as a student of human nature I do find interesting to me if nobody else!
Overall, I like this little book and although I am not a particular fan of poetry expect to read it often."
Glenn H
"This is Roger Blakiston's second book. His collection of poetry, which spans nearly 60 years is put together in this book. After reading them, I find that there should be a poem for each occasion and each person in life.
I loved how he grouped them into different categories that set the mood for which ones you wanted to read. Although I enjoyed the Humor section, I was drawn to the Spirit section and two poems; GATES OF HEAVEN, which gave me hope for the end of times and spending eternity with our Lord. The second, DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL reminds me of the title of the book for St. John of the Cross and how many people in agony have hope for the rainbow at the end of their trials. He said it best when he mentioned that each of us needs to suffer so we can comprehend the joy and peace that is waiting for us.
Roger speaks with the tongue of a Mystic through his poems. It is no wonder though. He lives in a magical setting of Sedona, Arizona with the beautiful and spiritual red rocks adorning his backyard. I have started to reread these poems again to gain the inner peace that some give when feeling down. I highly recommend this book to you."
Albert H
"This book has something for everyone or everything for somebody, though; most people will fall in the the latter!
The author is a spiritual, well traveled, entertainer - only someone with this experience can produce a book of poetry such as this. The book is entertaining, inspiring, and with a wide spectrum of human emotions.
When most people hear poetry, they think they need cliff notes to divulge the author's point. Not this book. Most of the poems are easy reading and fairly straight forward. The author is a sage who is plain spoken and does not lose the common touch. This book is delightful.
It would also make a great gift too!"
Pippa T
"Roger Blakiston's poems span almost sixty years of his life, and make most interesting reading for anyone who can look back at their life's inner journey. Most of the poems are written in meter and rhyme - not an easy form to write in, but Roger has succeeded very well in this. Although I found it helpful that the poems are divided into categories, I also wonder if a second edition might benefit from having the poems in chronological order so one is able to experience 'the journey' more obviously.
Nevertheless, one can still clearly experience the innocence and delightful moments of early childhood, the toughening up process that occurred in an English boarding school, the youthful trials in romance and the longing for love and the return to the innocence one experienced as a child. And then, once Roger is settled in his home in magical Sedona how the professional magician, the mystic and idealist all seem to find spiritual fulfilment as he lives with his beloved wife amongst the energetic giant red rocks of this extraordinary land. The book makes a very good read, and might especially be of interest and inspiration to others of like mind living in Sedona."
Maria C
"I spent a pleasant afternoon reading and absorbing your eloquently written poetry. Your categorization of the chapters was succinct and easy to follow. The following comments are a reflection of my soul and what I gleaned from your poetry. As you know, the written word can be interpreted by an individual in a myriad of ways. Although I enjoyed every poem, there were some that touched me in a special way through your vivid imagery and details. You have many wonderful messages about love and how we can achieve our self-actualization. Reincarnation is evident among your words, and I am also a believer. The dream episodes remind me of my dreams. I have flown above trees (butterflies in my stomach), breathed under water, climbed river banks desperately trying to grasp a tree root, and trying to traverse water without a bridge (recurring dream). I have also had precognitive dreams that actually occurred. I kept a dream journal for years, but I stopped because the dreams were too disturbing. I have actually recited poetry in my dreams, but ALAS, I can't do this except in a dream. I feel as though I live in the "Twilight Zone." Your poems about Sedona are very appealing to me. I would fit right in!!!!! Continue writing my friend. You have a gift!!!!"

Michael B
"I have to really congratulate Roger Blakiston.
He has written a super book, a kind of double companion, for, on one level, young performers just finding their way in the business, which at the same time approaches the deepest areas of life in an open natural way, offering the interpretation and understanding he has come to, and some great insights in respect of them, without seeking to impose them, but with unfailing positive encouragement.
I think this would be, and will prove to be, a smashing support for a young person who wants to enter showbusiness and is setting off in life with, as well as enthusiasm, the usual quota of doubt and uncertainty. Lucky them to have such a personal, encouraging friend with them.
I think also his presentation of the insights he has experienced has been done in a very accessible way, which gives a real chance of a first contemplation of what we call the spiritual dimension of life, which so often education and upbringing seem to fail to make a proper introduction to.
He writes in a natural, interesting, and engaging way. The chapters I particularly liked were the one on fear in Stage Fright, and the ones entitled Stage Direction, and The Spiritual Stage, and his frank descriptions of his own early strivings and disasters are both heartwarming and hilarious."
Kevin B
"This book is great for all types of performers and anyone that enjoys reading the challenges of an entertainer. Roger's writing is thought provoking with fun stories from his performances around the globe. You can pick this book up and find many chapters that will get you thinking in interesting ways that I've never read or considered before regarding life, performing and the many stages we grow into and go through!"
Jerry F
"The Spiritual Stage is a fun read. You could start on any chapter and get hooked.
Roger Blakiston shares his hilarious journey as a beginning actor, landing his first acting job fresh out of drama school. He reveals stage life that most people not in show business ever see. It’s a hoot. His connection with the stage and spirituality is full of practical advice for everyone."
James M
"If, as Shakespeare wrote, “All the world’s a stage,” then The Spiritual Stage is the guidebook. Although ostensibly written for performers, it has something to offer everyone, with sage advice on how to live a purposeful and fulfilling life. With stories drawn from his own experiences as an entertainer, Blakiston exhorts us to let go of negativity and embrace creativity. The author’s love of his craft is clear, and his sincere desire to help others comes through in this well-written, engaging book."
Albert H
"A nice book that has brilliant observations that aren't knowledge, but wisdom from decades as an entertainer. The wisdom and opinions in the book: it educates, entertains, enlightens, and even comforts. Some of it I don't understand, I'll never understand, and may understand when I'm older/wiser. Overall, it was a nice read of one man's observations of life from a performer's point of view."
Ronnie M
"This really is something new in conjuring literature. There are tons of books on card tricks, mentalism, kid show entertainment and other myriad subjects of the magical arts but this must be the ONLY one that I am aware of which describes the inner self of a magician or in fact any kind of entertainer come to that.
Don't be put off by the title, The Spiritual Stage. This excellent book has nothing to do with religion in any way whatsoever and can be read with appreciaton whether you are an atheist, a devout Christian, a Jew, a Moslem or in fact any kind of faith whatsoever. It is a spiritual book not a religious one.
Many, if not the majority of people, who get involved in entertaining the public and making people happy are not necessarily happy themselves. Even the biggest stars have all sorts of hang ups and inner conflicts that torture them. This is not surprising when you think about it. The sort of people who want to become entertainers are often insecure and unhappy individuals who escape into the performing arts because of some inner urge for the approval of the multitude which they hope will alleviate whatever inner demons and insecurities are tormenting them.
Perhaps I am overstating the case but I say this after having met thousands of magicians and other entertainers over a lifetime. In any event Roger has written a book which will give the entertainer a positive outlook on life and make him a succesful person no matter where he stands on the ladder of entertainment success. Roger is describing a more important kind of success which will be a thousand times more useful to you than the latest trick from the dealer or even the wonderful highly paid gig that comes once in a lifetime.
Read it, devour it and you will attain as much happiness doing magic as Roger does."
Sierra V
"In THE SPIRITUAL STAGE Roger Blakiston has written a remarkable, intimate book — half memoir, half meditation — that peels back the outer layers of performance craft in any field and goes to the soul of why we do it. It belongs on every actor's shelf, right alongside Jerzy Grotowski's TOWARDS A POOR THEATRE and Brian Bates's WAY OF THE ACTOR."
Nick R
"Roger's autobiographical story, filled with his philosophies on life and spirituality is a captivating page turner. It will appeal to entertainers who seek meaning to their work as a way of life. It is the 24/7 magician or entertainer philosophy.
You don't get too many entertainers' books which take you into the deeper realms of life...to find meaning and the magic within. Roger's volume is always interesting, highly relevant and his theories do ring true for me as someone who embraces science of mind ideas.
It's a feel good book, inspirational and motivational...I highly recommend his ideas for entertainers who at times will get bogged down with the career and financial concerns of the business.
This will remind them of the real reason they are on the stage!
An important book for your library!"
Ken K
"The Spiritual Stage is an insightful and inspiring read that focuses on the parts of life that are really important. This book gets to the core of what is true success through the journey of a professional magician. A must read book for performing artists but written to a broader audience with humour, humility and wisdom.
I found the words on the pages stayed in my thoughts through the day as I mulled over my own life. The Spiritual Stage got me to take a closer look at me and what I believed was my reality. I enjoyed lightbulb moments as Roger Blakiston shared his insight and experience and I highly recommend this book for anyone who is seeking truth."
Paul S
"I just returned from performing on a Crystal cruise ship in the Med. It was good to perform again. Main reason for contacting you was to let you know that I finally had time to read your book on the ship and thought it was excellent. I really enjoyed it and it resonated with me on many levels."